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Entries in Serapiqui river (1)


Wrapping up 2019- A trip to Costa Rica

We wrapped up 2019 with an amazing trip to Costa Rica with friends. San and Padma got this trip with an amazing tour company called Desafio. United and my 1K status got us there. Given the chances of getting tickets during the break, we left on Christmas morning and came back on New Years.

The entire Christmas day was spent in traveling to San Jose, Costa Rica. We got to a local hotel 10 minutes from the airport and promptly dozed off. The next morning we had a nice breakfast at the hotel and a van took all eight of us to the first stop, La Paz waterfalls and butterfly garden. Our first photo session outside the hotel in San Jose. My refurbished 5D Mark ii has officially turned 10 years old. It is showing signs of strain just as I am showing signs of strain lugging it around! This was taken on the iPhone 11, which came in quite handy for many a rainy day. 

It was raining heavily and we were given an hour to 90 minutes before the next drive. So we made the falls the priority instead of all the other exhibits there. We did a quick run through the butterflies but skipped the reptiles, hummingbirds and wild cats etc. Given the communication barrier with the driver, we did not know that we could have spent more time.

This one is a Blue Morpho butterfly.. you can see the blue through the cut in its wings. I could not get a single shot of this one in any butterfly garden to show the blue side. There may be a video somewhere.. it is an amazing butteflly the size of my palm, but it flies real fast. 

big butterfly, big caterpillar....


I did not get what they were doing with the coccoons hung like this on a line...will have to find out!

We made a dash for the falls, all 5 of them and got soaked from the rain and the mist. This was our first intro to the rain forest in Costa Rica. Rain from the outside, sweat from the inside.. a poncho to cover the camera that made things awkward. The pictures and video will show you what it was like... It was a good intro that prepped us for what was to come.

After hiking through all 5 falls (climbing back up to the exit is not trivial and pretty steep), we were picked up by a shuttle bus from the La Paz fountain to the parking lot. That bus took 30 minutes to show up. Eventually we drove back in our van through that exact same pick up point. If only we had known, we would have asked the driver to just meet us down there and saved ourselves 30 minutes. The three kids in the Van who were learning Spanish in school kept freezing up when we asked them to talk to the driver!!! I gave the little one a lecture on "skills" vs. "grades" which did not go well.  Jr. escaped because she has been on Mandarin for the last 3 1/2 years. Her turn will come when I ask her to translate. 

Where were we? The drive to the next stop, Serapiqui river white water rafting. We got to a rest stop 20 minutes from the river, which was the last restroom on the route. Do NOT skip this. Get some fresh water, take the minute, change into wet clothes and wet shoes. You can thank me later.

Once you go to the river, there is you, the helmet, lifejacket and paddle. A quick lesson and you are off on the rapids. The river had amazing local birds large and small everywhere! The older girls and the two men got the brunt of the river on either raft. It was an amazing experience.

After what seemed like an entire day on the river going through rapids named ay caramaba, ouch, etc., we got to haul the rubber dinghy up the bank. They had towels for us and a shower area and once done, were fed a really nice fresh made lunch by the local Desafio team. There was a photographer on a kayak who was ahead of us and he showed us the pictures. We loved it and bought them (you still need to edit them and these are .jpg not .raw, but great starting points). 

did not know I was taking the wettest seat in the boat... the funny thing is San always knows where the camera is, even on that rapid to smile!!! Amazing camera awareness, while I was practically underwater..

I skipped the egg and the avocado.. there was no shortage of vegetarian food in Costa Rica.  A lot of folks there are vegetarian and sugar conscious and there seems to be no obesity there yet. There is banana in everything. The banana chips (actually nendranga chips here are amazing.. true Kerala feel). Hope it stays that way.

We said bye to the rafting team and started driving to Arenal Volcano. It was a long drive and given most people were sore from the rafting, it was a quiet trip.

We saw some Coatis that were being fed by someone from a car. It clearly said do not feed animals in the route. Felt bad for these creatures. Once they get used to food from cars, they are on a downward spiral..


Once we reached Arenal Paraiso resort, we realized that there was no point in trying to go out anywhere for the night. They had the hot springs right there, so we put our bags in the room and sat in the springs for an hour.

Then they had dinner served in the restaurant right in the resort. A full vegetarian dinner with icecream and Chocolate cake! 

Day 2 (or rather day 1 of actual touring) was hectic and fun. 

On a side note, the only time we saw the volcano was when we checked into the rooms and were about to go to the hot springs. It was almost sunset and the coulds were moving fast. The entire next day, it was raining and foggy to the point that the volcano was not visible at all. Was glad to have these pictures..

Given this is the first post in this series, would strongly recommend Desafio and United Airlines if you are planning a trip to Costa Rica. Most of the drivers and guides from Desafio speak English and are very courteous and everyone shows up on the dot. 

Day 3 post when I get done with editing photos and videos.. it pretty much took me all day to do this blog post and get the pictures and video. It is my sincere hope that friends and family will find this useful when they make plans to visit Costa Rica.