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Entries in mor milagai (1)


Mor Milagai (மோர் மிளகாய்) 

Most of you know that I am the Chairman of the Cupertino Thachchi Mammu Rasigar mandram. It is a known fact that the folks in our house can eat Thachchi mammu (rice with plain yogurt) 3x faster when using a deep fried hot chilli pepper as a side! 

Most of my non-desi colleagues at work have tasted the chilli and found it to be unbearably hot. We made some recently given the hot weather. 

Half dried..

Fully dried after 1 week! 

Every grandma has a slight variation on this recipe. This is San's Madras grandmas recipe. 

step 0 (this is being added as a correction! my apologies for missing this on the orginal post) : Soak a spoon of Fenugreek (methi) seeds in a small cup of water overnight.

Take long chillis (in our case I got them from the local Indian store. They were Thai chillies, for best results use the desi Chillies) and cut a slit in them along two sides.

Step 2 : Soak some tamarind in warm water(1/2 cup) for few hours and filter it. (you want the water).

Step 3 : Take soaked Fenugreek seeds and put it with the tamarind water and beat in mixie

Step 3 : Put this in plain buttermilk (you want the ones which dont have the yellow stuff in them) 1 cup

Step 4 : Soak the peppers in this for two days (keep indoors)

Step 5: Drain the liquid (dont toss it, save it) and spread the Chili in Sun to dry

Step 6 : at night put the half dried Chili back in the liquid and soak

Repeat steps 5 and 6 till you run out of liquid and then dry for a few more days till the Chili are completely brittle dry.

Deep fry in oil and you are ready to eat some Thachchi mammu!

Will update this later with my grandma's recipe..