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Entries in hanuman (2)


Everything is made in...

We are now in Chennai finishing up a very short trip.

There are plenty of photos and videos to post once we get back in a few days.

Today Jr. got a gift for our "ummachchi shelf" from my aunt. The funny thing was we were talking about how all manufacturing is moved to China and yours truly still manages to have a job that is related to manufacturing and stay in the USA.

We came home, unwrapped the gift and guess what ?

If Lord Hanuman has moved over, what chance do us mere mortals have?

ps. Internet is touch and go here. Posts in a few days!


On Boots and Vadai Maalais

Last week saw us visiting the Livermore temple on our wedding day. The little one, who is now asking approximately 20 questions per conversation, started:

LO : Daddy, what ummaachi(god) is this?
Me : That is Krishna ummachi
LO : Daddy, what ummaachi is this?
Me : This is Ramar, Lakshmanar, Sita and Aanjaneyar Ummachi?
LO : This ummachi look like Boots the Monkey daddy! (and she puffed up her cheeks to make a monkey face)
Me : Yes, he is a monkey god Kuttyma. He does look like a monkey.
LO : (a few seconds later we are standing in a dedicated shrine for the Monkey god) Daddy, this Ummaachi also look a like monkey! (it was the same god, except in the previous shrine the idol was made of white marble and this idol was made of black stone!).
Me : It is the same ummaachi, kannamma!
LO : Why have they put all white stuff on him and put all cheries and nuts on him? and what is all those things?
Me : They have decorated him, to make him look nice. And he has a maalai(garland) of vadai's!
LO : Why didn't they give him a banana?
Me : He likes "vadai maalais"!
LO : Monkeys like only bananas. Not Vadais! Boots favorite food is Bananas, daddy!

I have never associated Hanuman aka aanjaneyar ummaachi exclusively as a Banana head!

Can someone tell me why a monkey god should prefer vadai maalais over bananas? Could come in handy to explain to the Little one.
