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Entries in drama queen (1)


Much ado about wobbly tooth

Jr. last night, throwing a big scene about her "wobbly tooth". She is such a drama queen. Wanted to exploit the tooth situation, grandma in India situation and even tried to break routine by saying "I have to thachcham(sleep) next to daddy!", a move that was vehemently veto'd by the little one..

Earlier this evening, she came and spat out the tooth on my laptop. Here she is, all proud, after loosing her first teeth. I do not think any of us made such a big deal about teeth falling when we were kids.

Apparently there is a tooth fairy, some money involved which I owe Jr., now that the teeth has been burried in the backyard, etc. etc. All this is new to me. Just found out that my parents owe me approximately 20,000$ in back toothfairy money including the interest!

ps. Thanks to all for your messages in response to the previous post. Regular life has resumed in the household!
