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Roles and Responsibilities

Was rushing to the checkout counter at Costco with the little one sitting on the cart and Jr. standing on it.

As we wheeled past the last aisle with all the medicines a question from Jr.

Jr. : daddy, are you going to buy Bengay?

Me : why?

Jr. : you buy Bengay for your mommy and daddy?!

Me : Not now. Looking for something else. When you grow up, will you buy Bengay for your daddy?

Jr. : (doesn't even think and says) No

Me : Why not?

Jr. : you are buying Bengay for paati because you are a boy. Only boys have to take care of their parents!

Me : do I treat you differently because you are a girl. I treat you the same way parents treat their boys, right? Should Amma and appa go have a boy? We have the two of you and you are our kids....(by now zapped by the realization that they have bad concepts in their head a little too early)

Jr. : okay daddy. I will buy you Bengay when you become old.

The little one watched this conversation with amusement..

Later we are at home eating Upma and the little one suddenly exclaims "when I grow old, I am going to make Upma for my daadu!"

Me :will you feed me Upma every day for tiffen? You know I like it

LO : but you will be far away though!

Me :!!!!!! (oru mudivoda dhan paa irukkanga)

Later San and me were wondering where this came from. Obviously their default world has grown up children leaving their parents and going away and grandparents only visit..

For now:

1. Bengay is a maybe
2. Upma is ruled out

god knows what else we have in store for us.. or should I say, what if any we have in store for us?


Reader Comments (7)


August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSriram


August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMe

Hm....thought provoking....

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

My little one told me mommy you are "old and payassu" Old and Stale !!!

Gosh honest answers are very brutal grow up Sundar,

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

LOL is okay..

there is no real brutal answer or growing up to do here V.

don't really expect my little one to make me upma everyday.. but at three years of age, one expects them to say that they will..

these days they are already aware of a possible reality at 3!


August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

OMG! I think we should all get some good retirement plans :)

August 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterViolet


I was thinking more along the lines of building a godown and starting to store Bengay and upma rava, inji, milagai and karuvepilai..


August 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

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