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Spell it out

Jr. has figured out a way to avoid the following sequence of events

1. Jr. wants to have something
2. The little one wants the same thing
3. Little one is not allowed to have that
4. so no one gets anything!

Now Jr. spells it out!

Mommy can I H A V E a C A N D Y ?

The little one has figured out by now that Jr. wants something or is asking for something from the "can I" part..

Today after Jr. asked for CANDY, the little one goes

Mommy can I have a X O C K P B C thing?

We were rolling on the floor laughing!


Reader Comments (2)


November 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdipali

I can so relate to the little one on this. Years ago my chithis used to use the same spelling method amongst others to emathufy me. My chithi now claims they never did such stuff, I am yet to forgive them

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWA

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