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No country for sales men -updated

The US Vice Presidential debate is about to begin...

here is my prediction...(I can always eat my words later)

US is a country where people are used to buying something that is priced at 299.99, and is on "blowout" sale at 99.99, when any TD and H would know that the real thing is worth 14.99!!

GWB pulled off the "I am stupid", "I am really stupid" routine till he changed it around in a debate where suddenly he pulled some punches with Gore and went on to do the same thing with Kerry..

Is Palin playing the same game?

Let us see..

An update after the debate:

6:02 : Sundar is all excited and posts soemthing on his blog.. turns on TV!
6:04 : San walks by and exclaims "who is she?" and I go "What?" this is Sarah Palin!!! She brushes aside my surprise and goes on her merry way..
6:10 : Palin seems to have no stutter, even knows "facts" , there are numerals thrown in her speech and just when she starts things like "I have only been at this five weeks!"...
6:15 my jaw drops and I am thinking.. (well, Obama has no experience.. but on a chance that McCain has an aneurism after the SEC tells him the real story behind the bailout, will Palin say things like "I have only been at this a few months and I pressed the wrong button"? when she is President.. especially when she gets that call at 3AM!!!!).. anyways, I digress..
6:16:00 : "I have to go Navrathri shopping. there are guests coming tomorrow". When I come back, I don't want to hear a single complaint. Better make sure the kids are ready for bed when I come back!
6:16:05 : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6:16:10 hear front door shut

6:16:15 "Daddy, I want to go somewhere too!" - says the little one!
After some haggling, muting TV, trying to read body language of debaters, then giving Jr. a bath ..

6:45 "I am trying to watch this movie. Seems to be a good movie!" This was Sivappadhigaaram, a movie title that translates to bloody tale, aired on SUN TV (Tamil channel) to commemorate the non-violent Mahatma Gandhi's birthday!!!!

7:40:00 In van on way to blockbuster (turn on radio).. there is an analysis of the debate!!! and snippets of audio! Yippeeeee

7:40:30 Jr. and LO in unison "Socha Hai" podu (play Socha Hai)

7:41 kids, please listen to this. I will quiz you on this. your future depends on what you hear (silence for a few seconds)

7:41:30 SOCHA HAI PODU, NOW !!

7:42 : turn on the CD player...

Sometimes I think that there are little Joe Biden-Sarah Palin debates in our house all the time. In fact, San maybe our home grown version of Sarah Palin! She might make me take down this post, because she is more powerful in all sense compared to me.. but it is true. She does not care much for facts, does not know much about the bailout, congress, etc. etc.. Not that she is not capable of knowing, but chooses not to! While I am busy listening to NPR or any other news radio, her only thought is to wait for a chance to switch to ARR music..

On the other hand I come across as some elitist ass who cares too much instead of going about the day to day living. True, no?

Those of you who managed to see the debate in full, can tell me if the first part of this post held true or not!

Going to take a lesson from San and focus more on Navrathri for the next few days..

The Kondaikadalai vs. pattani debate is of more value than the one that was just missed!


Reader Comments (12)

Watching it.. she has been tutored well.. though i must say she must have mugged up lines if she doesnt know facts.. anyway this one is more interesting than the presidential debate

October 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnu

God Save America :-( if this duo gets into DC and God really really save America in-case something happens to Mac and she becomes the head.

The worst debate. Seems like she was answering irrelevant to the questions asked by the moderator. May be once of the reasons why she changed 6 schools in 6 years(for sure Prof's would have given her a D-). How btw 2 much of winking. May be she winked to Zardari ;-)

Really really hope we are for a change with OBAMA & BIDEN.

October 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnand

If McCain has an aneurism! ROFL.. hahaha..

Sundar annah, I can't believe you just compared your wife to Sarah Palin? What are you thinking? Oh my goodness! Tsk..tsk..

October 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSivajini

I cant beleive you compared San to Sarah palin.. if K had done it, he would have to starve for a week!!!.. Anyway sarah stuck to her profile as soccer mom, trying to save normal ppl routine.. But I really like Biden after this debate , he used to be really boring, but he was good this week .Btw you can catch the debate online at cnn.com

October 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnu

Palin did well considering expectations from her were low to begin with.

But did give the impression that she had been coached. Faltered when it came to foreign policy and even Iran and sounded more like a cheerleader for McCain than her own person.

She may have redeemed herself since the Katie Couric debacle but that doesn't make her ready for Vice Presidency. Not by a long shot.

Biden came across as very gracious and also trustworthy and evidently more knowledgeable of the two.

October 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterS

Palin did well considering expectations from her were low to begin with.

But did give the impression that she had been coached. Faltered when it came to foreign policy and even Iran and sounded more like a cheerleader for McCain than her own person.

She may have redeemed herself since the Katie Couric debacle but that doesn't make her ready for Vice Presidency. Not by a long shot.

Biden came across as very gracious and also trustworthy and evidently more knowledgeable of the two.

October 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterS

The debate was quite good. Palin seemed to exceeded everybody's low expectations of her. I felt that she was not answering to the question and sometimes giving very vague and general answers.

I miss the 'Kondaikadalia' Vs 'Pattani' debates :( The kolu time is going on so well back home. Here... nothing. Navaratiri, deepavali or whatever... the house will be always so silent and dull.

October 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVijay

Oops, I meant Iraq. Not Iran. Typo.

October 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterS

The one and only VP debate might have been stonen by Palin but I have no doubt on who will win the 'real' debates that are forthcoming.

While reading this post, I was thinking of a flash of your nightmare of wallet-eating.. ;) Dont worry.. Things are different this time compared to the GWB debates you mentioned.

October 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRaju


check out this http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/10/3/43222/8057/718/618653" REL="nofollow">flowchart v.b. sent me. it is very appropriate.

- s.b.

October 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

hi all

in this house, sometimes San is palin and sometime I am paleing..

that is a separate story. almost a catch 22. I blame everyones apathy for todays situation. but if I do that, it seems to side with Sarah Palins argument..

anyways, fogetaboutid..


already saw that flowchart at boing boing earlier..


October 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

Sundar, thanks for bringing up this discussion on the debate.

I watched the debate on Youtube. Gosh! This is the way she deflected real questions?? And what is with the Nukular? I thought that would end with Bush's speech problems! I can't stand it any longer!

Praying for your passport to stay as whole as it is now!

- Shree

October 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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