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When life gives you a remote control

Have a massage!

The little one is almost two and she is learning fast.

Already tells me "Daddy, sit properly", "I finished my mammu" and points to a truck with a barrel and says "concrete truck". The best part of the deal is that she picks up different words from daycare, daddy, mommy, grandma and mostly her akka and gives us pleasant surprises by using these words in some unique situations.

She has also figured out how to give herself a massage!

I bought this Relaxor thing way back in 1998 and sent it by mail to India. It was stuck in customs and they wanted my parents to pay the equivalent of 150 dollars to claim it. Considering that I had bought it for $99 and paid another 9 bucks to ship it, I requested that they return it to sender. That thing came back damaged on the return shipment and has been lying around in the garage till now! I found it, duck taped it and now it is working for the little ones.

My attempts to teach energy conservation obviously failed. Will have to keep trying...


Reader Comments (3)

LOL :) Loved the video.

October 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterS

She is really cute! I liked her attitude of refusing to the elder one.... kids imitate us.

Siddharth knew the difference between a mobile and remote at the age of 1 year...

October 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSwatantra

so cute - heheh n nice to see video doesnt get banned

October 12, 2007 | Unregistered Commentervisithra

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