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The future of Realty business..

The last four weekend afternoons have been spent in going from Open house to Open house.. Little wonder then that Jr. has learnt the ABC's of the realtor business..

She has imaginary conversations on her phone with our realtor now and we are used to hearing the word "Property", "Sale " etc.. on a regular basis.

Today we did the rounds as usual, but we didnt tell her where we were going..

Once I started driving, she noticed that I kept looking at the side of the houses and asked

"Are we going to Broken house ?"

We couldnt help but laugh..

Guess she has realized that daddy's taste is more for broken houses (fixer uppers) than Open houses !!

Reader Comments (1)

heheheh so cute ;)

March 14, 2006 | Unregistered Commentervisithra

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