
Voting for Obama

Asked Jr. why she voted for Obama in her mock election, and the answer was surprising!

The expected answer was "because you voted for him Daddy!".. but NO!

The real answer was:

"because he has two small daughters and he has promised to buy them a puppy if he wins the election!"


"also because you voted for him!".

Now that is baffling. As a Obama voter and as a daddy, I had no clue about this puppy business. How she knew this was beyond me.

Looks like he won her vote as a daddy who promised his kids a puppy, or she did it so the two little girls will get their puppy!

I need to teach my girls to vote for the correct reasons!

The good news is, we have another 13 years to work on it.


Anybody home ?

Follow my logic here.. just humor me..

1. I do not exactly love SUN TV. (I am glad that they were the only Tamizh Channel around, but their programming needs a lot of improvement).

2. I do love everyone who lives at home and would like to see them happy

3. However (there is always a however), their happiness depends on SUN TV programming. As long as Abhi is crying, my wife and mother in law are not. If Abhi (or the other superwomen heroines in the Tamizh soap operas) stop crying, they will make sure I cry instead. So, you could say that I am glad that Abhi's tears are flowing like the Colorado or Cauvery river.

4. SUN TV has to get its act together. The last one week has seen some really pathetic broadcasting.

First it was the double audio. It drove me nuts to watch the heroines work their lachrymal glands with a solid echo. The ladies at home solved that one by watching in a low volume and did not seem to mind the slight(?) inconvenience.

Then it was the video getting stuck at times for a few minutes and jumping frames. You would end up watching a freeze frame of some dude or dudette with their mouth wide open, for a full five minutes. The suspense of what they were going to say next would kill you!

Now it is the delayed video. Yes! The audio is ahead of the video by a solid 45 seconds or so. You get to hear Abhi cry before she actually breaks into tears. This cracks me up, and I am about to roll on the ground laughing, but all I can do is laugh on the inside, because the ladies will crucify me if I show any signs of enjoying this broadcast. They still watch it as though it does not bother them!

I do know that they are in pain, watching SUN TV at its broadcasting worst. If you happen to be a SUN TV broadcaster and are reading this, please, please improve the quality of the video and audio stream. I am saying that because a "painee of your painer is your painee" or vice versa.

ps. I have not been well. Apparently driving for 4 hours with the sun straight on your face, with the AC going full blast in the car, can do wonders to your infection prone sinus! Couldnt even wake up this morning. So, what I am trying to say is, the parnoramic pictures of our trip, will have to wait!


Happy thoughts..

Have had a busy sleepless week with all that is going on.

The outside weather and the blossoms are cheering me up to a great extent.

At first I was going to post a photo of the miserable baby with bruises around her eyes and a snotty nose! This was to use the wife/MIL's logic and reverse it.

I will explain!

< nice photos of baby >
< baby sick >

< bad photo of baby >
< baby healthy >

No ?

Since I am not in the IT field and my coding is rusty, pardon the syntax and just look at my logic!

Could not go through with it for two reasons.

1. Do not want any recollection of baby's current face. Makes me feel sad.
2. By doing this, I will only agree with the wife/MIL that their logic is good to start with.

So, all I will post is the macro shot of this flower. The real flower is the size of a quarter (or 5 rupee coin!). The S40 is 5 years old and gives me a E18 error and won't open the shutter half the time, but once it opens!! the pictures are still good..

Looks like my html is rusty too! had to go to this site to find out how to display the brackets !!!
