secret video

I am daddy

The little one has a new fad now. Walking around wearing daddy T-shirts and claiming "I am daddy!" It is hilarious. Caught her on video when she was least suspecting it.
We had fun yesterday at Big Trees state park which was a 3 hour drive away. We also visited a mining town that has been preserved to look like the early 1900's called Columbia on the way back that reminded us of our trip to Ballarat in Australia many years ago! It was one tiring trip for the kids who did 2 mile walks and some steep climbs to get to the Stalinslaus river. Now the little one has a cold and both kids are going through Daddy withdrawal symptoms as I make my way to spend this work week in Austin. Time for her to grow up and be daddy! .

Out of control

The art

and the artist

posing for the notorious secret Video/photographer..(aka little terror)

Found 73 photos/videos on the iphone today, all taken by the little one. Half the time we weren't aware that we were being taped (err iphoned!).

We had a quiet weekend. Basically it translates to "I slept through most of it to avoid itching myself to death!"




8 is the magic number!


A big thank you

A big thanks to everyone for the wishes, cards, sweets, and cheers!

Getting back to normal, slowly.

Have lots to write about, but the typing is slow and painful. For now leaving you with some pictures taken by the 3 yr old on the iPhone.

It is her turn to take secret photos and videos of daddy!

They are all taken at two feet above floor level and are blurry, but they are definitely great secret photos, from a three year old.

finally the dangers of having a kid walk around with an iphone.

I am sure she was trying to look at the boo boo's on my knee!

This post took way too much time, hence the reluctance to blog..
