Have had a busy sleepless week with all that is going on.
The outside weather and the blossoms are cheering me up to a great extent.
At first I was going to post a photo of the miserable baby with bruises around her eyes and a snotty nose! This was to use the wife/MIL's logic and reverse it.
I will explain!
< nice photos of baby >
< baby sick >
< bad photo of baby >
< baby healthy >
No ?
Since I am not in the IT field and my coding is rusty, pardon the syntax and just look at my logic!
Could not go through with it for two reasons.
1. Do not want any recollection of baby's current face. Makes me feel sad.
2. By doing this, I will only agree with the wife/MIL that their logic is good to start with.
So, all I will post is the macro shot of this flower. The real flower is the size of a quarter (or 5 rupee coin!). The S40 is 5 years old and gives me a E18 error and won't open the shutter half the time, but once it opens!! the pictures are still good..
Looks like my html is rusty too! had to go to this site to find out how to display the brackets !!!