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« Enjoying India.. especially Singaara Chennai.. | Main | Land of Paayals and peacocks.. »

Dazed and confused..

Last night, Jr. decided to sit herself in some local autorickshaw that was outside the house..We were still bargaining with the three auto's that were in the stand, while she thought that our bargaining was done and decided to sit down inside.

The driver had no clue that a little girl had gotten inside and he started driving away. Luckily, some other local auto stand members saw a little girl with her pooh bear blanket and clueless look all by herself in the back of an auto and flagged the driver.

When he made the U turn, one of the local drivers recognized Jr. and brought her back to the stand. My first impulse was to give her a spanking she will remember for the rest of her life! but all I could do was cry.

This should be a warning to all other parents who are bringing their 3-4 year olds to India.
(line removed on suggestion from sane blogger)..

Hopefully Jr. will behave the rest of the trip!

People : I got more flame and support mail for this post because of one single line.. I was judged more based on NV's comment than on my mistake.

I have removed all the comments. If you took time to write those comments, I apologize.

Reader Comments (4)

thank god someone recognised her n brought her back

January 28, 2007 | Unregistered Commentervisithra

THANK GOD ! We are so relived ! It gave us a scare. Take care..

January 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKavi


Hope you are enjoying your stay. Yeah... incidents like this do happen with our kids. Everytime I visit I am shocked with the traffic chaos. Thank god your kid was safe inside the auto. If the driver had not realised and had applied brakes, the kid without a safety belt could have easily fallen and got hurt. It is an eye opening for everyone. The dance by your daughter and mehndi (peacock) is wonderful. Hope your family enjoy the trip.

January 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBalaji S Rajan

Glad she is okay. You still in India?

January 31, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterUma

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