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Halloween Revisited

Last year, I was a novice at halloween.

This year we were at the Halloween bash again. I didnt do a Mona Lisa as planned.. But managed a complicated pattern this time..

All the kids were at their festive best. I had a cold and was not my usual energetic self. To compensate, I cheated by using my power drill bit to do the intricate parts of the pattern!

The end result was at least comparable to the other pieces..

No marks for guessing what Jr. was dressed as..

The proceedings were livened up by our little birdie ..

Here is tweaty on the move..

We had a blast..

Kudos to Balaji's family for organizing such a nice event. The entire pumpkin lineup can be seen here..

Reader Comments (5)

Oh God! They both are so adorable in the costumes! And is that my blog name on the pumpkin? Thanks for the honour! ;)

October 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterB o o

"The end result was at least comparable to the other pieces.."?! u're just being modest :)

October 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterBalaji

yeah they do look adorable - n the carving is complicated ;p - its not really celebrated over here

October 31, 2006 | Unregistered Commentervisithra

They both are looking so cute... like an angel...

May GOD Bless them with many more lovely moments like this!!!

November 2, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterSwatantra

Wow Tweaty is walking now. How fast the time goes and the pumpkin carving is so impressive. Nice

November 3, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterWA

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