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« BARR - Saravana Bhavan | Main | Little fish , Little fish »

BARR - Bay Area Restaurant Reviews.

Considering that I have lived in the sunnyvale/santa clara for more than seven years, I have decided to promote myself as a food critic.

My coverage will be limited mostly to restaurants in the Sunnyvale, Santa Clara area and predominantly feature Indian Restaurants.

The proposed rating scheme :

I cook better (not so great)
I can do that (okay)
My wife can cook better (above average- I know I will face consequences for this rating)
I miss my mother in law(great food)
Grandma, where are you (ultimate experience)

The reviews will hopefully tell you

a. which foods were tasted (that way you know about known good items)
b. service, ambience, speed of service
c. average meal price.

To top things off I will eat a "Rava Dosa" in every indian restaurant where available and normalize my rating !! I have already been called "Mr. Rava Dosa" by a restaurant owner in Santa Clara. I guess that qualifies me to critic food!

So watch this blog for some reviews starting this weekend.

Reader Comments (1)


I have been a silent reader of your blog for quite a few months now. I stumbed upon this post while going through your archives. I must say, you have upped the "bar" with your ratings for resturants :)

Hope to read many many more good posts here.


October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLakshmi

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