My fellow hikers have often heard me say that it is the journey that is more important.. so I take my time, stop for pictures, do the hike in an "alangaama kulungaama" way as my Grandma would put it.
The hike marketing department (aka San and co.) sold me on the Lexington reservoir trail with the selling points being
1. it is only a 5.2 mile hike compared to the recent 8+ mile hikes
2. It is part of the same preserve as Mt. Umunhum
3. It is a "moderate" hike per the all trails website.. so given recent history, a "piece of cake"
I am not allergic to the words "piece of cake" spoken in that sequence.
It turned out that this hike, while being 5.2 miles and in the same Sierra Azul preserve, is nothing but moderate!
It started off with a steep ascent like the ones they set you up on a rollercoaster ride.. except you think there is a drop after that.. in this case, it levels off for 100 feet and you go up another steep slope. By the time you went up to a lower grade, knees are shaking!
At some points, I was pretty much trailing by a wide margin of a few hundred feet. we eventually crossed a quarry of sorts and made our way back on the loop trail.
There were not many scenic spots or vista points with a view of the valley unlike other recent trails, but for once, the only sense of accomplishment was the destination.. the journey itself was not that great for me!
If you are one of those people who want to say "I did this trail".. then go for it. Try it when your stomach is not full.. I went just after lunch and struggled. My wife was also tired of my "are we there yet" questions.
There are always pictures..
A few more vista points or colorful paths might have made this more enjoyable for me.. I did have fun with the conversations and the occasional jokes, but not the hiking itself. Maybe a day with red skies would have made the lake views more interesting..
It is also possible that the previous hike to Foothills set the bar a little too high for this one to measure up..
and a pano of the view after we do the first part of the hike.. (after this there is no view of the lake)
At one point I was "offered" the option to go "just another 2.2 miles with a 1200 foot gain" to see Mt. Um from the other side and promptly passed on it before the sentence was finished!
Decent trail, but not enough vista (break) points for me..