all part of life

Pleasanton Ridge regional park - Castleridge

This has been a busy weekend with a lot of yoga doubles and a nice hike.. there was also some singing involved! Busy but happy..

The hike was in Pleasanton ridge regional park from the Castleridge trail head. We did an 8+ mile loop which took us ~4 hours. We did good time given it just keeps going up in the initial part of the hike. It was an hours drive almost for us to get to the trailhead and given it was post lunch, starting the steep climb was a slow affair.

We saw a lot of hare, turkey, deer, red tailed hawks and frogs today!

Could have waited another 5 mintues after reaching the top. There was a solitary bench right after we managed to have tea standing up and trying to juggle tea and bhajjis, standing up.

we kept clicking as we walked today!

It was good we didn’t stop much today. Managed to come down before it got dark. As a treat to ourselves, we stopped at Thirupathi Bhimas and refilled four time he calories we burned on the hike in 1/4th the time!

Here are the nature pics from the hike..

There were like 10 frogs that surrounded my feet when getting close to the water to take this shot. Lots of frogs! First time seeing them up close in these numbers!

and a short video highlights reel.

While San and our friends would like to visit this again, I am not. Great trails, amazing views etc.. but there is a section of the trail where one big tree has fallen and there are another 3-4 trees in this section that could fall anytime! Not a big fan of trails which are not maintained well. After a lady lost her life because of a falling tree in our local park last year, very hesitant to go through trails like this!

Did enjoy the hike thoroughly today!

Another hike for the long weekend

Saturday was 2 back to back yoga classes and a 9 mile hike. Sunday was just one yoga class followed by a 6 mile hike. We are slowing things down.. by Tuesday physical activity will be restricted to a yoga class if we are lucky and some walking up and down office buildings..

This time we went to Quicksilver with a different group, thanks to the little one.

We have hiked this park before but this time there was a lot of water in the creek. The colors were vibrant after the rains but the trail was a little bit tricky with slush covering most of it.

We got to see a lot of turkey vultures and red tail hawks as well as a solitary deer.

Enjoyed the hike..

A few pictures..

A short video highlight reel..

We are fortunate to have these lovely places to hike in within a 30 minute driving distance!

Revisiting Foothill Park after 4 years

The anniversary trip posts have to wait for this brief interruption

Given this is a long weekend, we decided to revisit foothill park in Palo Alto this afternoon. This park is just 25 minutes from our place. The first time we got to visit it was in 2021 covid was still in peak. We were wearing masks and walking.

We went in the afternoon because I had to do two back to back yoga classes this morning. Got an hour and a half post yoga class to get something to eat, drink lot of fluids and join the gang on a 9 mile hike this time.

Parking is available for 6$ right inside the park. We started hiking at 2PM and were out by 5:30. It was pleasant. There was a lot of water in the creek and falls and there was hardly anyone else in the park.

Our little one joined us for this hike as well and that was a bonus..

We caught some sunset colors right when we reached the top. So for a change, a front facing bench photo to start this post..

A gallery of portrait format pics..

We were also treated today to some amazing Bajji after walking in the cold.. to go with Chai.. our hiking group leader made my day!

A video highlights reel of the hike..

Exhausted after all that exercise all day, but feeling good!

Will definitely recommend this place for an afternoon hike in cool weather!