local parks

Another hike for the long weekend

Saturday was 2 back to back yoga classes and a 9 mile hike. Sunday was just one yoga class followed by a 6 mile hike. We are slowing things down.. by Tuesday physical activity will be restricted to a yoga class if we are lucky and some walking up and down office buildings..

This time we went to Quicksilver with a different group, thanks to the little one.

We have hiked this park before but this time there was a lot of water in the creek. The colors were vibrant after the rains but the trail was a little bit tricky with slush covering most of it.

We got to see a lot of turkey vultures and red tail hawks as well as a solitary deer.

Enjoyed the hike..

A few pictures..

A short video highlight reel..

We are fortunate to have these lovely places to hike in within a 30 minute driving distance!

Red Tail trail to Arastradero Lake

This weekend we hiked to a place that we have missed all these years. Right here in Palo Alto there is the Enid Pearson Arastradero Preserve with 10+ miles of trails and a cute and beautiful lake in the middle of it.

We also happened to pick a beautiful morning to hike here. The skies were just lit yesterday!! The sunbeams and purple clouds were a treat to the eyes!

There were lots of benches in the park..

that is probably our most beautiful “bench photo” to date ! The rest from this trail are here.. including a few cheesy ones of us making a heart. I was upset with San on the way to the park.. so our friends were giving me a hard time for being so finicky.. At times my OCD tendencies get the better of me. She is my world and I cannot stay mad at her for more than 3 minutes tops. At this point I am pretty much her pet dog or something like that.. <vent>still one needs to fold all other fingers in when making the heart and it has to be presented parallel to the plane of the camera.. </vent"> (that should be a legit html tag!)

Not possible to be angry with this one..

A few vertical shots of this lake..

A gallery of pictures of the beautiful skies and landscapes from the days hike.. We hiked only 6 miles as I had to do some unplanned last minute singing with the local Smule group! It was a packed day of activities for a regular saturday!

Surprisingly did not take any videoclips on this hike!

We will definitely revisit this place and cover the few trails that we missed within this park. The bay area is just amazing. There are still a lot of trails we haven’t hiked, given we hike new trails all the time.

Every year there is a well planned long grand hike. Last years highlight was the grand canyon! Hoping this years grand hike will be something to write about!

A rainy day hike in Windy hill

Call us crazy, but a few weekends ago, there was a plan to go on a sunset hike in Pacifica area around Mori point. When we started driving, a revised weather forecast changed things to cloudy and rain. So halfway on the route, we decided to go to the closest familiar hiking point. 

Chai was already in the flasks and the Parle-G biscuits and customized trail mixes, not to mention kuzhi paniyaarams were all loaded into backpacks!

We made a detour to go to the top of Windy Hill

I am always happy for Windy hill for all the wrong reasons. San tripped on a root and damaged her ankle at this very holy place and got enlightened. She started doing Bikram Yoga with me at BYSJ only thanks to that ankle damage and for that I am grateful to some root and this trail. That said, we always watch our step as a group when hiking here!

This time we went back and forth and walked a nice 8+ miles with wet jackets! Needless to say the trail was empty except for us and four Japanese students. 

Photos... the bench was wet.. so San was literally doing awkward pose for this now customary "bench photo"!

than again iPhone auto saves images like this when you get close enough! We could hardly see anything 15 feet ahead of us.. the picture above is closer to what we saw with our eyes..

Chai at the top with the treats were just amazing.. the chai got cold within a few minutes at the top and we had to scram as it started raining!

it was dark by the time we made it back to the parking lot with iPhone flash lights!

short video clip..

Windy hill is always interesting. What is more interesting is us. We are all crazy!