
Engaging in positive sweet thoughts during tough times

The last two weeks have been interesting. The smoke which kept us from walking for a few days that finally cleared. The blue skies were back as were the birds and little critters..

Then there was some walks in the evening with some amazing skies.. 

an attempt to make mysore pak during lunch..

the end result was okay.. put a little too much ghee and kept it on the stove a minute longer.. so while the taste was good, it was a little hard.. it has been at least 4 years since I tried making mysore pak and the next attempt will be better..

practice makes perfect.. and the one thing I finished in the last two weeks is learning the entire Shiva Thandava Stotram.. 

Made this color coded chart based on the template for understanding the meaning of every verse using a primary theme with sub concepts (green is primary message, blue second, red third, orange and gray fourth and fifth level).. helps understand the meaning and remember (uploading this one as a large jpg that prints as a single page in hopes others can use this to learn).

and here is my attempt to recite this earlier today..having a camera in front of you makes you conscious.. can say it without any glitches off camera..

The days are going by fast. The usual work, yoga routine all from a mat in the same place is still ongoing.

There is the occasional parking lot yoga practice which makes my day! 

It is just that I have been meaning to blog for a long time and never got to it. Skipping watching a debate and writing this seemed to be a better idea! 

Learning something new, practicing things and creating some things that actually put a smile on your face are much better options for spending time!

Sky background

Was taking a break just lying down on the concrete after taking pictures of things in the backyard. Jr. and the little one came up to me and said "get up. Let's ride the cycle"

In an attempt to make her go away from me for a second, took the camera that was already in my hand and flashed a picture..

The kids actually made a game of it.. they would lean over me and request a picture be taken.

and my ace model posed for a photo after forcing me to sit up...(reference portrait here)

Works out rather well with the sky as a natural background, no?
