
Watching them grow

No.. not a post about the kids.. They are growing alright! 

There is a family of geese living in the creek that runs along Lawrence expressway. They go for a walk in the same path I take post lunch or when walking to the local starbucks to get some tea. 

Have been watching them for the last two weeks. The little ones are growing so fast! They have almost doubled in size in two weeks.. maybe I am imagining it.. 


It warms my heart to watch them trot along and see the parents help them climb the sidewalk to cross over.

Sometimes I just sit down on the sidewalk and watch them for a few minutes and move on. Calms me down immensely and helps me dive back into work. 

Nature has everything out there to calm us.

If only we can take a few minutes every now and then to get some sun, breathe fresh air and watch the creatures around us to get a reset?! 

Let there be light.. lots of it - Photoblog

Nice nap, an hour at the park with the kids to make up for working in the morning.

Time to tune out work and get into the Memorial day spirit.

Say a prayer for military folks who make this quiet day in the park possible, fill up the gas tank, go on some local drives in the next two days. .

The mind wanders through a bunch of thoughts. . . oil dependence, oil spills, oil wars... how everyone knows what the right thing to do is but as a collective we fail!

A wise man told me recently "Sundar, commonsense is more difficult to implement than you think!"

Everyday there is a bitter realization that he is right.

Time for that optimist in me to take a different view of things?
