
Never pick your middle aged dad to help with assignments

Jr. learned that lesson over the weekend when she asked me to videotape her baking for a school assignment. Given she wanted a "high quality" video, I used the 5D for the video shoot while being worried that it had a focus issue. Luckily shot it with the 70-200 mm lens which seemed to work fine. 

The only mistake she made was in picking me to do the video. I stressed her out with a lecture on the value of money, trying to be perfect, not waste things, be fast etc. Pretty much micromanaged the thing and lectured her. It is not easy to work with me or work for me.. or live with me for that matter. So while watching this video I realized that I owe my wife, kids, friends and colleagues and especially my boss an apology for being so pushy and demanding and being obsessive compulsive in a lot of ways. The only people who are immune to this influence are my yoga teachers and yoga buddies. 

At the end of it, the cookies came out very tasty. The little one helped big time in being moral support for Jr. as well as coming in and providing her expertise in fixing mistakes during the baking process. 

The smiles say it all! 

Aalo Rose

The recipe for the previous post, in pictures.

The final result:

First the Rose Aalo:

Microwave for 2 minutes, then drain the hot turmeric/Salt water out.

Bake at 350C for 20 minutes.

Make sure you use a paper towel and soak up the extra oil before serving.

Now something to do with the carved out pieces of potato. Make them into a quick Bhajji that can go along with the roti's.

Unfortunately, the bhajji was all gone before it could be served with the roti's.

Now, this would not be possible except for a commitment to San that the kitchen will be handed over to her in the same condition as before the cooking started!

Gents, please wash all dishes and wipe off stove, countertop etc. if you plan to do this experiment!

A Warning: While the Roses looked pretty inviting and were tasty, the core of the rose was way too hot, while the outside surface had cooled. So do NOT bite into the rose or you will burn your tongue! You may have to wait a little for it to cool down.

Julie and Julia was a good movie. It has inspired me to go back and do something in the kitchen.
