angel card

The best way to begin a new year!

Wishing everyone a wonderful 2024!!

Started the year with an allergy attack 30 minutes before midnight and cheered in the new year with a stuffy nose and watery eyes.. my friends made up for this small inconvenience!

It was lights out after coming home. 

The only cure I have for most illenesses these days in hot yoga! So it was good to start the year with Yoga and this has become a routine.

This is before class..

and after class..

You always leave the room wiped out, but happy.. "feeling like a million bucks!".. or after 13 years, adjusted for inflation "feeling like 2.3 million bucks!" 

Before walking into class we all get to pick an Angel card for the year. The idea is to internalize that and see if you can change your behavior.. this years card was "Light" (my wife got Love).. so we are now love and light!.. Hopefully we don't go light on love! See, even an angel card teaches you to put your wife first! 

2023 was not great, but it done. My goal for Yoga attendance is to do at least 200 classes a year which is about 4 times a week given all my travel schedules. 2023 was 218 classes. 

Going to stay more positive in 2024! Blogging defiintely helps me be more positive! 

Wishing you all a healthy 2024!

The 60 day Winter challenge in on at BYSJ! So if you want to challenge yourself this year, please go ahead! Will cheer for you all the way!

Angel card for 2020

BYSJ has these Angel cards at the beginning of the year. Something positive to center your thoughts around when your mind wanders around in the hot room, and turst me, it wanders a lot...

This year's card for me is 

The irony of this is that since coming back to reality in 2020, Joy is the one thing that is really needed. Things are hectic at home as usual.. but work is another thing altogether. Someone told me recently that I am not smiling enough in the office. 

I can always smile, but the card doesn't say smile.. it says Joy! That is something that has to be felt. It will come.. the Joy will come! Till then, it is time to hold that thought and show the Joy at least while doing Yoga or watching the kids interact very differently now that Jr. is in Sr. year of high school. 

There is hope that they will be closer than what they let other's percieve.. and there is Joy in that!