
A tough 60 day days of Yoga

This summer was going to be busy. Family and friends knew that all too well. There was going to be a graduation trip to Indiana, a hiking trip my wife was part of and a lot of other weekend social commitments, not to mention a severe work load from August 1st. 

There is the usual BYSJ summer 60 day challenge that one can start between 1st to 14th of July and do 60 classes in 60 days. No one forced me to sign up.  I was going to yoga almost every day since 3rd of July and one day I simply could not make it to the usual class because of being held up at work. San went at the usual time and I went by myself 2 hours later. The folks at the front desk said "you look tired and pissed off.. maybe you should put up a few stars on the challenge board and you will feel better?!". That was interesting. I was doing the challenge without advertising it and it has already been 9 days of not missing a day. So put my name on the board and put 9 stars at one go. 

The next day my wife was shocked to see my name on the board with all the stars. She smiled and didn't say anything. When this was announced to the kids at home, they just rolled their eyes. Good yoga for the eyes is what I was thinking. If I can make them do that everyday, maybe their eyesight will be good for a long time! Who knows?

Knowing there was travel, did do 5 doubles (mostly back to back doubles). For some stats, this is the 16th time signing up for a 60 day challenge in 13 years and the 14th successful attempt. Both times I could not make 60/60 were summer challenges. Going to class or showing up is not a challenge. Adjusting logistics also is not an issue, thanks to a very supportive family, friends and co-workers.

The biggest challenge are doubles and trying to drink water in the 30 minutes between two back to back classes. It has been years since I took a water bottle to class. My water is left in the car and I drink water 30 minutes before class and 15 minutes after class. However, doing back to back doubles means that between the two classes I need to drink water with a packet of vitamins and that just sits in my stomach at the beginning of the second class. That was the hardest thing in this challenge.

Have taken 2829 Bikram Yoga classes so far, according to the excel spreadsheet that is still being maintained. 10,000 hours of practice on any skill is required to become a subcounsious expert or so say some books on skill building and expertise. This is still only 4200 hours. If I need the equivalent of a pilots license for my own body and mind, lets just say I am not even halfway there. Maybe before the end of this lifetime will realize something deeper within. Yoga is a slow and steady process. Accepting that there are no shortcuts has already been a worthy experience. 

Over the last few challenges, have realized that after day 30, when you come repeatedly, the mind is not fighting the teachers words anymore. I call it zombie mode.. but not in an auto pilot kind of way.. more in a "I am so beat that I am just going to submit myself to the instruction and do what is being asked". At that moment in class you cannot think much about it. It just happens. After class you realize that you did things that are surprising! Fixed postures with corrections, have light bulb moments and then you get to try it out the very next day and the day after that till it can become a new habit. 

Most of us have the capacity to remember 3 or 5 things tops after a lecture or any lesson. I am part of that majority group. So to learn those 3 things and make them a regular habit is possible only because of pushing myself to do a challenge. You come every alternate day, you just go back to old ways quickly. You have to remember the correction before the posture starts. Once you are in it, it is already too late. You might correct yourself in the second set.. but that doesn't help you make it the default!

Thoroughly enjoyed this challenge for the learning, the chats outside the room before class with my fellow regular yogis, the chance to encourage other folks to have a regular practice and my teachers encouraging me to "let it go!" everytime I walked into class after being on the phone till 2 minutes before class. 

On a side note, BYSJ finally brought back T-shirts as a souvenir for folks who finish! My wardrobe which is 80% BYSJ 60 day challenge T-shirts badly needed a replacement. This years T-shirt is just beautiful. Now I just need to collect a few more over the coming years? (this blog post alone is going to give my family more yoga for their eyes after they roll it non stop!) 

The best thing that ever happened to me in hindsight was that damn accident. If it wasn't for being broken with physiotherapy being able to get me back only to a certain point, would have never found Bikram yoga! What a blessing in disguise that accident turned out to be? There is always fate, destiny, the butterfly effect, whatever you want to call it.. but forever grateful to all powers and unknown probabilities that made me walk through those doors all those years ago!

For all my friends and family, I hope that my doing yoga inspires you to try it, even if for a few days and my sincere wish is for you to find yourself by doing yoga! It is a slow process which might even involve getting lost many times while trying to find yourself..but if you stay the course, magic happens!

Missed getting a close up photo with the ageless Michelle Vennard. There are so many pictures over the years that I made a collage of some of the pics. She is a true inspiration when it comes to walking the walk after talking the talk! .. or in Yogi speak.. she can be as still as she can be silent, during a yoga class! (just realized, that it is literally the opposite of walking and talking!)

One more challenge done. Hopefully many more to come!


Daddy is allowed to wear one of eight or nine T-shirts, total!

Anything else is not allowed.

The little one screams her head off!! if daddy wears anything else.

Turns away from daddy. One minute she is clingy and the next minute she is absolutely horrified that her daddy has become a shirt, coat, different color T-Shirt wearing monster!

We had observed this once before when daddy took a red T-shirt from the "archives", and wore it for old times sake, and she screamed. So, the T-shirt was changed again quickly, just to stop her. Not much was made of that incident.

At a company anniversary party, daddy decided to wear his old Tuxedo and she would refuse to come to him. To daddy's horror, she never came near him at the entire party and clung to mommy the whole time. Everyone called daddy a horrible liar for claiming that the little one was attached to him at all times!

Today, it was a 100+ degrees here! Came home and removed the T-shirt and stood in the hallway for a minute in my baniyan(in shirt). The little one starts panicking again.

LO : "Daddy, please wear the shirt. Dont be nanga thanga!(naked)"..
Me : But I am wearing a Baniyan! I am not nanga thanga. It is so hot..
LO : Please wear T-shirt back, NOW!!

and then goes to Mom and complains that she is scared of daddy not wearing T-shirt.

Next minute, I removed the baniyan and wore the T-Shirt and she ran back and climbed on my shoulders, smiled and gave me a big kiss.

Strange.. very strange..

Need to find a way to get her used to a multi colored daddy!


Just a thought..

Part of getting back the routine, involves watching serials on Sun TV, every time I pass through the living room..

It is true that I know what is going on with the story, more than the two people who sit glued to the screen on the couch! But that is purely because of my good memory and attentiveness. Seriously!!

That said, I happened to pass by at least 4 times during one evening last week and couldn't help notice that the guys wear T-shirts which say things like "Los Angeles, CA", or "Hollywood" or "I love NY"(the one with the I, heart, NY placed like a box), etc. etc.

Most of these T-shirts are (were ?) 3 for 10$ or 15$ depending on the quality, in the streetside (a.k.a. platform) shops in Hollywood. I myself have bought two sets of three on separate trips to Los Angeles.

They are usually made in India or Sri Lanka. Recently of course we see the Made in China ones as well. They are of good quality and last you at least a year and do withstand machine wash.

On my recent trip to Bombay, I got T-shirts with a collar and a pocket for 170 rupees ($3.75). Judging by that, these Hollywood T-shirts are selling for a premium simply because of the nice designer prints on the front. Do not know who does the graphic design for these shirts (maybe done in USA ? India ? China ?).

We did a lot more traveling on this recent trip than on any other trip in the last 8 years. The one thing that I noticed this time in all the tourist locations was the potential for selling soveniers in India. I am not in business, but I think there will be a good market for T-shirts which say "Chennai", "Mumbai", "Goa" or "India" with appropriate designer prints of some local tourist spot. Two years ago, I saw a bunch of Mera Bharat Mahan T-shirts and the Sachin Tendulkar Cricket shirts which said "India" on one side. A lot of them made it to the USA! Save for these two, haven't spotted good T's.

I wouldn't mind buying one! Or 3 for 10 or 15$ for that matter..

Not to mention everything from refridgerator magnets, shot glasses, posters or 100 piece Jigsaw puzzles with popular landmarks! (business people, please take note from a future customer)!

ps. It is possible that these already exist, and are just not sold at the obvious locations! Any pointers to where I can buy some on our next trip are appreciated..