
Halloween 2018

This year Halloween was interesting.. a busy day. There was a potluck planned at work. I forgot to tell San about the potluck and she packed my lunch. Once I got to work and realized the Potluck was on, called the local Indian store and got some of my favorite samosas. The guy says minimum tray order is 50 samosas and I go "okay". 

Now we still have 15 or so left at home. 

We had the kids dress up as a scarecrow and a devil but the little one does not want her photo on the blog. So this year there will be only one picture.. 

She made that stuff up herself with no help from anyone. 

They went trick or treating with different friend groups. But one thing they have been doing for years?

Grab a lot of dads favorite candy (or the ones he can eat safely with no peanuts).. Twix and Milky ways.. 

This was waiting for me on the table !!!

Daddy is happy that he has his candy.. then again, all Twix are not created equal. Some of the Twix are old and some are new.. 

Have a bag of candy at work always.. Eat one for a post lunch snack every day. . . one of lives little pleasures. 

This will add to that post lunch bag and it was collected with a lot of love from my darlings!

A quiet halloween

Today we had a quiet halloween. Given it was on a weekend, was expecting at least a dozen kids to show up.. we didn't have a single kid show up for trick or treat this year. Guess that is what happens when the road has no street lights and the few school going kids all move over to the community living complexes nearby to trick or treat with friends.

Thanks to travel, didn't carve pumpkins this year. 

Jr. and the little one did go out with their friends!

apparently her friend  was "thing 1".. the whole thing was lost on me. at least I should have got a picture of her with her friend and captured the "things".

The little one was a cat. 

The kids did their dressing up by themselves and also shopped for the raw materials or reused old costume pieces. Guess they are both growing up to the point where we don't have to interfere in the halloween department. 

The best part of halloween? They came home and said "Appa, we know you like Twix. So every house that had Twix in their candy, we picked Twix. we will put it in the fridge and you can eat it this week!" 

That was priceless ! 

Pumpkinography 2014

This year we did do the pumpkin carving with the cousins.. somehow all the travel made me miss out on a lot of posts. One can always catch up!

This years creations..

This one was Jr.'s. She wanted her own pumpkin to carve this year. 

This one was the little one's. She did the large pieces and I had to come in to do the delicate pieces. 

The lineup from this year.. the kids are all growing up and taking over the carving business!

Previous Pumpinographies are here..

This whole thing started with a lot of reluctance..  but now it has become a "tradition" that we all look forward to!