A clump of hair was caught in the hood of the jacket after coming back from one of those deep freeze long haul flights. Turns out the hair that is already clinging on for dear life is easily uprooted, much like the stumps after a batsman misses a Malinga yorker.
Unfortunately, I cannot come up with an analogy for the gray hair.
So there were two choices.. start to dye the hair and comb what is left acros the head or get rid of it.
It was an easy decision. Nothing says "Do I look like I give a $hit" like a Tibetian Monk look.
Jr. also decided to join in the haircut experience with me. So we took some prefies and postfies.
Looks like I have aged 2 years in the first half of 2015. Now it feels like some huge burden has been removed!
Jr. looks a lot younger than she is. At first she was complaining and all teary eyed because of her "new look". Then she realized it is easier to manage this hair and it does look cute and was all smiles.
They are all getting used to my new look though.
On the plus side, my smile is widening now with the hairline. So we are all good!