All it takes..

A conversation just before bedtime.

Little One : You have to sleep with me for at least 15 minutes today till I go to sleep. then you can go to your bed.

Me : I have work to do. 5 minutes and that is it, okay?

Little One : What do I have to do for making you thaacham (sleep) for some more time? Chainsaw you to the bed?

Me : !!!! Did you mean to say Chain me to the bed?

LO : laughs out loud and says "I guess so.. if I chainsawed you to the bed you will be dead! ha ha ha"

Me : That was not funny!

Somehow yours truly has become a very serious dude these days. Used to be a lot more funny even three four years ago. Don't know what happened over time. It is time to take life a little less seriously and start thinking funny... writing funny!