Conversations at home

Have been helping the little one with her school project. It is a timeline on Amelia Earhart which involves making a timeline, drawing pictures and doing a speech. 

She is using a 100 page book from the Biography series. Tonight we were talking about this at bedtime ..

LO : I really tried reading the Auto-Biography Appa. The first section was sooo boring. Only the last few pages were interesting where she sets records and then gets lost!

Me : It is not an "auto" biography.. it is just a biography. Auto means "self" as in someone wrote about themselves

LO : I could totally write an autobiography of 100 pages

Me : seriously?! 

LO : Yes. It is going to be awesome. It will be all about how awesome I am!

Me : Really?!

LO : It better be awesome if I am going to brag about myself for a 100 pages!

Me: !!!!!!

This is a very special girl.. 

Someday I really hope she gets to write her "auto"biography and all the 100 page bragging has some real stuff behind it.