Parks and more Parks

My parents have settled in comfortably to their new routine in the last 20 days. This is their old routine modified to constraints we impose on them here. They have been very sportive about it. The 9 year gap since their last trip, their brushes with death with severe medical conditions, living  a few years where other folks have to drive them around in India..... these have softened the impact of issues that were huge on their last trip.
We have been taking them with us to local grocery stores, costco, etc. and to the few birthday parties that we have been invited to in the last two weeks. Most of them have been in parks as the weather outside is great. My mother loves it although she cannot walk. She had triple knee surgery thanks to some really bad (read contaminated) operating theaters in India and if she walks for 30 minutes, she is done walking for the day.
Nevertheless, we are happy to see her walk from the parking lot to the picnic bench and back. Dad is just so happy to be able to walk in a park instead of our own backyard, which in his words is still a big improvement compared to the traffic and bustle in a major metro in India.
Took a few pictures in the park today. This is the first picture of them I am taking in a year.
Going back to shooting high key shots, something I love !
There is no photoshopping here, no background. Just flood the exposure on the background to white out everything and still get the face.. it is like a process optimization exercise in semiconductor world where you find a narrow process window between exposure, shutter speed and ISO to get this magic shot!
Time to wrap up the weekend and get back the busy routine!
ps. My apologies for messing up Blog readers. Still learning on Squarespace. There was a checkbox on top that changes the post from WYSIWYG to Raw HTML and I had the wrong setting..