Kids crafts

The kids have been celebrating their brithday multiple times.. with classmates, family, family friends, grandparents only special, dinner at their favorite restaurant on their actual birthday etc. 
Here is a photo from yet another celebration at home!
Wish I had lighting like this at the bowling lanes...

They got  many gifts most of which are arts and crafts stuff. 
Jr. loved this dairy which she promptly bling-ed (guessing that is the right term for it?) 
Today they started working on decorative bangles where you do the decorating yourself. After 30 minutes of going nowhere, they asked me to come help. They were trying to "glue" the ribbons to the plastic bangle and the whole thing was a big mess.  So I asked them to wash the bangles and start from scratch. 
Me : Where is the instructions? 
LO : We threw it out!
Me : GO and GET it, NOW!
Jr. : Here it is. 
Me : (after reading the instruction and figuring out that you are supposed to start with the double side sticky tape before doing anything with glue). You have not even opened this packet with the tape! Why?
Jr. : We don't need the tape.
Me : Says "who?" It says here in the instructions that you have to start with the tape.. why didnt you read the instructions?
LO : It has TOO MANY WORDS!  Who will read that many words. It is not simple instructions!
We finally did restart the project and they did a great job of following the instructions step by step. 
This is what happens when your kids get used to EULA's which run pages long and they just get used to clicking "I agree" on the one hand and have instructions that are "Step 1: sticky tape. Step 2: wrap Step 3: Glue".. 
Today my job is done in this house. Have taught kids something very important.
Always start with the instruction manual!