little one

Growing crystals

The last three weeks of December are going to be different this year. Given all the work travel, going to take it easy and rest. Doesn't mean we don't get to do some fun things in the house with the kids..

For starters we decided to bring out this birthday gift and actually try it out with the litlte one.

Diffusion is a slow process.. the little one learned "patience is a virtue" during the experiment.

This was time zero

Ten minutes

close to an hour later

this was a few hours later

then we decided to "help it" by creating some localized heat near the ones that were not growing.. but that went only so far.

The final stage was not far from this one. There was one drawback to this kit. We lowered the stand into the bath of chemicals with a hook. When the crystals finished growing, they went into the hole for the hook. So we could not remove it out of the bath successfully. 

The little one was very disappointed, but for a few seconds. Once she realized the crystals were broken and there was nothing we could do about it, she promptly said "oh well. we had fun while it was growing. now clean up daddy" and went on to watch Netflix.

So that part of the experiment where the experimenter is also responsible for the cleanup... failed! 

Some things never get old

Today the little one knew I was about to get an extra large load of laundry on the carpet for folding.. 

and she was ready to do "laundry angel" after I buried her with the warm clothes.

Jr. is not into these fun little things anymore.. now that she is a "teenager". I miss the days when they would both shout "me me me" and lie down on the carpet waiting for a rush of clothes to land on them.

At least someone is still up for it!

Some things are forever?!

Remember the post on Stone Temple Pilots?

Was not kidding when I said "someday, the little one will join in"

In spite of Chennai being rained out for 43 days, the one day that the kids visited Chennai on their 5 day India vacation, the rain let go temporarily. We made a quick trip to see my grandma and on the way meet my buddy Kabali. 

Jr. remembered the elephants and ran to it!

and this time the little one followed ! She needed help but enjoyed sitting on it. Their smiles brought back so many memories!

Some things seem to bring a constant into our variable lives. The stone elephants at the Kapaleeshwarar temple are one of those constants in our life!