backyard fun

Baby photos? Not anymore...

One house tradition here is that we see "baby photos" from the archives once a week before bedtime to tell stories of how things were during those good old days when Jr. or little one were teeny and tiny!

The babies are growing up fast!

Here are some photos from a backyard photo session this week.

here is one where she didn't know the camera was still rolling.. 

Jr. is a big girl now, almost as tall as her mom and the same shoe size. She is making a claim for some of mom's dresses like the pretty frocks and that was tolerated.. Now she started touching the Jewelry and tensions in the house are high!  You want to mess with the Sheik, fine.. but taking those oil wells.. you have crossed the line mister! ... something along those lines... tension!

She looks exactly like my sister at the same age.. This week I accidentally called her by my sister's name and Jr. was giving me the "What the hell?" look. Had to explain to her that for a few seconds it was like my sister was standing in front of me.. frozen in the eighties. She even stands with her toes bent weird!

Worked very hard to make her smile with lips open but this is the best we got. She is still conscious of the braces. Hopefully those come out soon and we can have Jr. smile like she used to without being conscious of anything.. 

Well, another week has rolled by and I learned a lot this week.. some stuff at work, human relations, cooking, dealing with tweens.. etc. etc. 

Planning to teach them both how to "code" at home using some online guides and free ware. If you have any recommendations for materials or tutorials to help introduce "coding" to kids, please let me know. Was watching a Youtube video where this guy Chamath was being interviewed and he was right on. Teach your kids how to code if you want them to have a nice future! 

Java is going to be the Yajur Veda for Jr. and the little one. Maybe I should turn Java into a hymn for easy memorization and make them sing it?! Yet again, the brain is getting all funky on me.. should go eat something and slap myself back to reality...

Veggie harvest amidst a bunny problem

The planter is giving us results.

Thankfully the rabbits were not able to get to these plants. We have been getting tomato by the ones and twos almost every day for the last month and it has been great! We made Okra curry and sambar with home grown okra and it was yummy.

Only issue was that we would collect 2 or 3 okra a day and store it in the fridge and would wait till we got 30 or so before making something with it. Same thing with the egg plant.

In the meantime the bunny problem is reaching epidemic proportions. There are at least 18-20 bunnies around in the bush behind our house and they have a network of holes dug under the fences on all sides so they can freely travel from backyard to backyard.

The railway tracks behind our house has even more bunnies huddling up. I saw a dead bunny on the road on my way to work Friday!  They are now crossing the roads and getting hit.. not a good sign considering they are not as fast as the squirrels. Sooner or later this is going to cause an accident with a person and at that point hopefully the City of Cupertino will act.

High time they did something. I called and they wanted me to pay and put traps for the bunnies and give the bunnies I catch to animal control. Like I have time for that?!

They should put an ordinance on having bunnies as pets and if releasing orphans into the local parks. Bad idea. They give me grief for trying to plant a Eucalyptus tree or Camphor tree but they ignore the rabbits..

Local governance at work!

All grown up

Came back home this afternoon to find the kids all dressed up and ready to go to a function at a friends place.

Another one of those moments where it dawns on you that the kids are growing up and growing up fast.


Too fast for my liking that is. Wish I could freeze frame them the way they are!