The little one has been learning the violin for one more year. She has definitely grown in confidence and has improved in spite of not practicing enough (we agree, her teacher agrees and most importantly, she agrees!)
Here are some photos and a video snippet from the Winter Recital from the Music school.
There was a big surprise at the recital! Haik, who had come to the US to play on Sunday to a sold out concert came to encourage the students.
Imagine you are warming up in your schools playground and suddenly the gym teacher says "kids, I have a little surprise for you. Usain Bolt happens to be a family friend and he is here to show you how he runs the 100m and will also answer questions on how he trains and anything else you might want to ask him and you can take pictures with him after the recital! " In violin terms, that is what happened !
The kids loved it. They also saw "how easy" it was to play like that if you practice for only 25 years!
We enjoyed the evening with the little one doing her recital without mistakes and Haik's little cameo. Next year, if she practices well, the little one might be going on to doing more nuanced pieces. We wait with bated breath...