voice recognition

Dragon software

This is a video blog, of how the Dragon software works.

Even with the thick Indian accent, it is able to identify what I'm saying, with hundred percent accuracy.

My co-workers think I have gone complete bonkers...

They now hear me punctuating my sentences as I appear to be talking to myself.

The left hand hurts a lot less now without all the typing!

Viva Dragon!

ps. video by Sangeetha, who is very much amused by my coming alive after purchasing this...


when it comes to knowing your body...

It has been more than three days since I've logged into blogger or Facebook or twitter or any social stuff...

I have gone to work from Tuesday to Friday, and made it back in one piece. It has been very tiring, but it has been a very rewarding experience.

One thing did not expect, was how much I underestimated the power of the Vicodin.

the second thing I learned in the last one week, was how much I overestimated the ability of my own body to take the stress, in the absence of the drugs.

A couple of good things have happened in the last four to five days.

I have managed to go without a tablet for the last twenty-four hours. I have also purchased a voice recognition software and I am mastering it, albeit slowly.

I am in fact, using this software to write this post. It has been very slow going, but I have made tremendous progress in the last twenty-four hours. Over the next two weeks, if this techno-geek manages to understand the software to the full extent of its abilities I will be typing faster than anybody I know in spite of doing it without my right hand.

I'm also practicing to take photographs by holding the camera in my left hand alone. I will post a few photographs of the sky from my street, tomorrow evening.

If only I could drive......


Software anyone?

Is there a software that you can invoke from within a text editor that will let you speak into a mic and it will transcribe the words on the notepad/outlook window/blog editor ?

interested in buying one to speed up things. typing with 2 fingers from left hand too slow. looks like this will be the status for another six weeks from this week.

iphone is easier than full keyboard(because it auto completes unfinished words), but is still slow. by the time the words are put to keyboard the train of thought is gone!

if anyone knows of such voice recognition software drop in a line


ps. hitting ctrl alt del is a pain..is there an alternate 1 or 2 finger shortcut?
