Warning to relatives and friends who have not been in touch for the last 15 or so years ...
Due to the shocking nature of the photographs (shocking to you that is) with reference to this post, please ask your kids/someone else who has never seen me, to see the photos and give you a description so you are mentally prepared!
In case you did not understand the magnitude or seriousness of Mr. Punjaab Power transforming into Jodi No. 1, it was very much real..
It was not easy to dig them out (and the computer inept me had to wait for San to help fix the scanner) and there was permissions to be obtained..
So I shut up and give you these photos.
First some exhibit A's of Mr. Punjab power or Banaras power as we would like to call it..
Bachcha from BHU
Please notice arumbu moustache!
A few years + hair gel + bow tie + spangles + tight pants + some attitude later, being interviewed on local TV at a dance competition.
This picture was taken in UK at an international dance competition.
Six pack Sundar...You have to believe me, I had a stomach like a wolf after all that dancing!
A photo of me dancing with my teacher, one amazing teacher! If they give our Ph.D's for dancing, she would probably have a dozen...
There you have it. From a "jolna" bag carrying moustached kid to a "hep soniya" and back to a diaper bag carrying dad, life goes full circle!
The wolf has now turned into a hog!