pre post

A menstruating woman's bill of rights

This is the topic for a post that has long been in the inbox.

It might never see the light of day and chances are the family (both immediate and extended) will make me take it down with a day or hours after it is posted...

(original title was going to be "Andha moonu naatkal" or "those three days")

It was one of those from the heart posts, going over my(?!) experience of the women who were/are dearest to me going through uncalled for hardships in the name of god, country, religion and culture during times when they should be treated like royalty.

All this was triggered by the usual etcahi (saliva contact), pathu (think of it as microwaving food half eaten), theetu (impure in a germ context) debate in this household. Something I promised to eradicate as a child, at least when I became the head of the family.

In any case, this is a Pre-post.. sometimes it is worth the pre-post to see how well the real post will be received! No?
