phone call

Who are these "guys"?

Just as I was breathing a sigh of relief on account of saving the "guys" topic with Jr. on the previous post, the little one decides to overuse the word "guys". We must have heard it a few thousand times in the last 48 hours!

Still do not know where she heard this. Obviously she picked it up from someplace. Keeps talking to these imaginary "guys" on the phone, sometimes more than 10 minutes at a time.

Here is a secret video of the little one talking to her imaginary...

Do you notice her say things like "He was so rude. I dont like that!"

The little one was roaming around the house in her "jatti" because we were potty training her and were pretty much under house arrest during the weekend. Thanks to her phone call and the secret videos, we were not bored one bit!

Who are these guys? Why am I being given a sneak peak into the future? Why this early? What is the rush to have these coy conversations with imaginary dudes? Maybe she is breaking me early?

I stand no chance!
