
Cheezza anyone?

Why use two words when one is enough?

The little one is making the family proud by being furgal, at least with words. The rest of the family, especially daddy is very near an F grade on the subject.

Today, she pointed to the Pizza at the birthday table and said:

"Give me Cheezza!"

I guess Cheese Pizza is Chezza. Do not know if she was trying to say "cheese Pizza" and combined the words. Still Cheezza sounds cool!

Daddy as usual thought, he should stake a claim to the little ones discovery only to find that Cheezza is actually a different dish! It is a pizza with the crust made of deepfried cheese!!! Interesting..

Then I thought, what about Vegizza? and the answer was, No! Someone came up with that one in 2005 as an answer to an english language Quiz!!!

It was intersting to note that both these words had only 1 or 2 google hits.

Someday, the little one will come up with a word that has no hits on Google. I am almost sure...
