Updated post...
While the 4 hours spent in the park today were simply amazing(as exciting as it was to take my new bride to see the golden gate bridge two weeks after we were married...considering this is the first outing for the new lens!), there are side effects like sore legs, nose bleeds etc. that require some tending to..
More pictures to follow tomorrow...
This one was taken near IBM in Bailey road (which is on the way to Uvas..) We should all be happy that we have such a glorious sun that brings up the colors and shades the way it does!
Was planning on posting more details, but the allergies are at their worst. So leaving you with just more pictures from the trip..
As usual, the post ends with one of my darlings doing something memorable. The little one picked up a stick in her hand to walk around after watching everyone around her have a stick. No one in our party had one though. She also picked a really tiny stick which she carried with her the entire time. Every now and then she would break into her teacher routine and start saying "repeat after me, W is for..." etc. to her imaginary students. This happened everytime there was any sign within her height she could point to. It was so amusing...