Game - update

Now that all four clues are out for the round 1, and after the example post, the number of guesses that have come in the last day have been amazing!

The best part is, you guys caught on to the game and most of you are cracking round 1 and 2 and

three of you have already got round #3 right!

Current leaders are Gauri, Balaji Dilip in that order.. unless Bharvi cracks #3 with 2nd clue in which case she jumps back to first place..

So many of you guessed Abdul Kalam for #3.. Somehow "missile" immediately brings an Indian connotation and it is linked to Kalam!


Giving mastemind clues in BHU 17-18 years ago was easy! There was no google then.

Giving clues that don't get you a google hit is more difficult and this has definitely challenged me.

This game also brings back fond memories of a bunch of dudes who were extremely good at this.. Deva, Durgaprasad, Abhijit, Kiran, Rajeev..and of course Sanjay Chugh (dont know if I got his name spelt right) who came to conduct the competition in BHU that year. He told me that I was amazing in this game. First real complement anyone gave me at any competition in BHU!

Here's to all of you, wherever you are!

Going to keep this game alive for another 3 rounds. (Yeah, I have the clues already in my head).. so this will be a week long event and we will tally it up Sunday night!


Thanks for taking part!!!
