Trailheads and Headwaters

There are of course, the "other places" that were visited over last weekend, that made that trip complete.

I post this for my own kids. They go back and see these photos and Jr. actually reads what is written. She reads "Jr." as Jerr and after some explaining now understands Mr. Jr. Ms. etc. and even knows that Jr. is actuallly a reference to her!

Shasta Dam

The trail loop at Burney falls

Moss covered volcanic rocks

The moss that covers the volcanic rocks

Burney Creek, after it came down the falls, before it joined Lake Briton (there is a panorama shot of Lake Briton in the first Mt. Shasta post)

Burney creek from the trail loop bridge

The water at the falls head, just before it drops off

Bunny flat trailhead

Reflection Lake at Lassen. We did go to Manzanita lake, a place that has been on my wish list for years because the reflection of the mountain in this lake is supposed to be breathtaking. It was so foggy on the lake that visibility was reduced to a few feet. We will go to this park another time, just to see Manzanita lake!

"Hot Rock". No, we are not talking about me! It is a rock that landed miles from the volcanic eruption in 1914 which was found to be hot a year after the eruption. There is a whole field full of rocks this size which just landed there in 1914. One can only imagine the magnitude of the devastation when we see fields of giant rocks and the trees that grow around these rocks almost a 100 years later.

Summit Lake at ~7000 feet

The little one posing at summit lake

Sulfur springs where hot ash gushes out of the mountain side

and becomes a river of ash. We have seen stuff like this in the movie, Dante's Peak. But here for the first time we saw a river of volcanic ash!

Think this place was called Eagle point. This is where we stopped to eat lunch. The sun out come out and we could feel the heat directly. So we remove our jackets and within seconds a gust of cold air that swirls from the mountain would descend on us. It was very weird. We did discover though that home packed curd rice and tamarind rice have the same delicious taste at 8000 feet as at sea level!

This trip had us see our ups and downs in terms of viewing things, but for the first time in a long long time, the kids behaved! They did not fall sick during the trip, get cranky, no "are we there yet" , no "I want to go home right now!" and that was a blessing.

Hope this becomes the new trend!
