
Ever wonder how there is something above and beyond the media frenzy?

In the United States (and more so in India), the media decides what should be the big news item of the day! The government controls the press or different political parties carve out percentages of the "free" press and invariably the news is what the controlling parties want the people to hear.

To top things off, the media today has the ability to blur the lines between reality and fantasy and you really cannot differentiate between "Times of India", "Rediff" and "The Onion"! Seriously the "real" news looks more ridiculous than the spoofs.

In the US it is always Iraq, Afghanistan, Bush, Hilary, Obama.

Once in a while though something happens that gives the media a reality check. Case in point is the cyclone in Burma and the Earthquake in China. They will push the standard news items to the background for a few days.

Then they will be pushed to the last page or a footnote when the next troop surge is announced or when Hilary or Obama do something attention grabbing!

Hope the news from Burma and China stays in the news for a few more days so those people get the attention they deserve from the rest of the world.
