Please bear with me...

this blog is undergoing some massive template changes..

have almost gotten all old segments of blog into the new template, so that all the new draft blogger features can be tested!!

What is the point in being a technologist if you cannot test new stuff?

Well the only gripe is that all those cool buttons I made to categorize posts and the script that I copied off of Braveen, don't work on the latest template..

the nice collapsible buttons on the "old blogger posts" section is still giving me trouble. Ten years ago, I would have rolled up my sleeves, poured over the html code and figured out what was going on (well HTML was new to everyone anyways and I was young and still doing Fortran77 stuff). Now I am a toothless tiger and it takes me much longer when it comes to looking at code and fixing things...

If there is a kind soul out there who can look at my source file and tell me what I am doing wrong and why the "submenu" feature doesnt work....would really appreciate it!

For now, calling it a day!

and yes, bye to blogrolling.. Going to use the Blog List feature from Google (which was definitely a motivating factor for this conversion), where it can be linked to Google Reader.

It is getting hard to keep up with the changes. Posting is one thing. Spending time looking at code to fix template? Tsk.. Tsk..
