Food helps fight Starvation, study finds..

If "duh!" was your first response after reading the title, I am not surprised.

The study of course was done by me. Why do you need a study to find Food helps fight starvation? The people in this world need many such study's for various reasons.

1. Literary publications, TV and Radio channels need to fill up "kosuru" or filler time with 2 minute snippets that can sound scientific and simultaneouly sensationalize something or do subliminal or blatant advertising. These are studies like the ones which show Alcohol actually helps people stay young, not have cancer etc. or the ones which say doing A,B or C help increase longevity, reduce wrinkles, look slim, lose weight, get you gorgeous babes in bikinis, etc. and are promptly followed by advertisements for A, B or C in the next break.

2. Provide a body of evidence, bibliography reference, etc., for future studies along similar lines.

3. Bring the concept of science, albeit sarcastically to the non-scientific community to make a mockery of the concept of investigation, experimentation and exploration in general! That way millions of people can say "Theory of evolution,kevolution.. bah", look at all the studies which show that Jesus created the Midwest and Satan created California!

This study on food helping starvation was inspired by s.b.'s comment on a previous post which gave me this interesting link. My expression after reading the results of the study were "Duh", "DUh" and "DUH"!

Without further diversions, on with the study. Who knows, this might get quoted by BBC, MSNBC or at least my favorite abuser and sponsor of such studies, USA today! It would be nice to add some pie charts to this article like USA today does, but unfortunately all the pies have been consumed to validate the work.

Study finds Food helps fight Starvation
Sündar's Desk July 14th 2007

A recent study is showing increasing evidence that Food actually helps fight starvation. The short and long term effects of food on starvation and hunger have been stystematically reported by a team of people headed by Dr. Sündar Narayanan of the BOGUS Institute (Budding Organization of Gurus in United States).

The decade long study conducted by the BOGUS Institute, comprising Asians, Indians, Tamizhs, bloggers, etc. shows 97% of the subjects have confirmed that when starved, food actually helped. The other 3% who mentioned starvation were actually craving for some adult stuff which could not be neutered with food, but neutering itself.

Further studies are also showing that food generally fights starvation in people of all age groups. A 4 year old child subject included in the study was found to corroborate this fact with statements like "I am not hungry anymore mommy. Can I have some more M&M's?" and suggested that the study should be expanded to animals and birds. Yet another subject, a toddler, pointed to a fish tank with one hand, rubbed her tummy with the other and babbled "fishy mammu.. fishy mammu" which provided incontrovertible evidence that fishes eat mammu very fast(food in baby speak), when fed on a monday after three days of starvation during a long weekend.

"Well, this is no surprise! Mankind has been eating ever since they had a stomach!" said a prominent woman scholar, who has been quoted many times in the past by the BOGUS Institute when it comes to Kindness of Men or anything related to man in general.

It should be noted that this woman scholar is now the central focus of an ongoing study by the Institute on the "sexiness of the Umlaut". After the recent success of Hans Grohe, permeating the BOGUS Institute headquarters, in spite of being expensive, the head of the Institute, Dr. Narayanan is considering a name change from Sundar to Sündar or Sündar Narayanöhe because he strongly feels that there is a correlation between the number of umlauts on the packaging to its attractivness with the fairer sex. The results of that study are expected to be published in a few months.

It should be further noted that, studies from the BOGUS Institute aside, hunger and starvation are a real threat to mankind and are indeed fought with, you guessed it! FOOD. So, you are encouraged to find the local food banks (Second Harvest is one that me and the missus donate food or volunteer for) and donate food to help the starving millions across the globe.
