Jr. went to a house warming cermony with my wife and her other colleagues. The new home owner was another colleague of my wife.
Jr. and me have a small 30 minute story time/ conversation time before she goes to bed.
Me : Tell me, how was the party today ?
Jr : Me, mommy and Saila aunty went there and had fun. Pavithra aunty was there and there were lots of people there..
My friend Geetha's wifes name is Pavithra. As far as I knew, these two had no overlap with my wifes colleague !
Me : dont lie to me. how can Pavithra aunty be there ?
Jr : NO (shouting at me).. Pavithra aunty was there !! I am not lying to you.
Me : okay. dont get mad. we can talk about it later. (we went on to finish some stories and she slept off.. I decided to deal with it the next day).
Later in the morning a conversation between me and Mrs.
Me : So how was the housewarming..
Mrs : Pavithra's house is on top of a little hill..
Me : Pavithra ????? !!!!
Mrs : yes. Her name is Pavithra and she is a new colleague .. didnt I tell you her name before ?
I almost cried !! Pavithra is not that common a name by south Indian standards. Till my buddy Geetha got married to this girl and introduced her to us, I had never seen or met anyone by that name.. now suddenly there are Pavithra's decending in the Bay area .. and I screwed up big time..
Afternoon naptime converstion between me and Jr.
Me : I am sorry I told you that you were lying yesterday. When you said "Pavithra aunty was there, I was thinking about Geetha Uncle-Pavithra aunty" !!
Jr : (totally innocent face and voice).. NO DADDY !! This is a different Pavithra aunty. One is pony tail Pavithra aunty and the other one is long hair Pavithra aunty.. I was trying to tell you this !!
I gave Jr. a big hug and kiss.. Lesson learnt !! Give your kids the benefit of doubt ! Better still, dont doubt them in the first place !!