
Recently, our family friends had the grandma in the family pass on. After the funeral, we were all invited to a rememberance dinner. The little one knows this grandma well. We go their house for almost all religious occasions and the little girl in that family is my little girls role model !!

After we came back from the dinner, Jr. was very very inquisitive..

Jr :where is Akka's (elder sister's) grandma ?
Sr : she has gone to heaven !
Jr : When is she coming back ?
Sr : She is not going to come back.
Jr : why not ?
Sr : because heaven is a much better place !
Jr : Can I go there ?
Sr : (thinking : I need a god damn lawyer to talk to this kid !)No. You cannot go there ?
Jr : But you said it is a better place. I want to go see A. Akka's grandma !
Sr : Only old people are allowed in Heaven. You are still a kid. First you have to go to school, then big girls school and only when you grow big and old, you can go to heaven.
Jr : But dorothy was not big.. she is already in heaven and we have a new Dorothy..
Sr : (by now I am about to dial 1-800 -LAWYERS)..Fishes are small.. there are different rules for fishes, bunnies and people ! You can always buy Dorothy from a store.. but you cannot buy a new grandma from the store, right ?
Jr : Okay daddy. I will grow big first and then go to heaven !

I was finally glad this conversation ended.. whew !!

There are at least 10-20 Why's and Why Not's that I have to go through every day. Cant wait for this phase to stop.