Baby just topped her own previous surprise for daddy, with yet another stunner...
We were sitting at an Indian restaurant. While we were eating, she tried to grab our food. To keep her quiet, my wife gave her an empty cup and a spoon.
After a while, I noticed that she was actually eating something. I was thinking my wife must have given her a morsel of roti or sabji to chew on. Meanwhile my wife is thinking the same thing..
Just to be on the safe side, I asked my wife "what did you give her ?"
Wife : "nothing. I thought you gave something. Maybe she is just rolling her tongue and acting as though she is eating ?"
That was enough to set the alarm bells ringing for me. I promptly put my finger in her mouth and pulled out some white spongy stuff!!
She was actually eating the styrofoam cup! We didnt realize that she could bite the empty cup and eat it!!
From now on we will go for metal or plastic cups only. Add this to the list of things a baby can do to an unsuspecting parent!