Hi Tech ?!?

Was cleaning my house today (yes, yes, it doesnt happen often, but I did it!!) and I found a box of phones. Never realized I have gone through so many cell phones. Thought I would post the entire collection...

The first phone was purchased in 1998, second on valentines day 2000, then 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005 !! Sometimes, it was due to newer smaller phones available in the market, othertimes because Darling Narayanan decided to drop the cell phone in the toilet !

But the one thing that was common to all the phones ?

All of them were adorable when new, with all the features and the reduced weight. They were all detested after a year because they had problems, either with the speaker, volume, memory , battery life, you name it.. We would buy the phone with glee only to wait for the contract to expire so we could go to another phone.. and this cycle continues.. the latest phone is only 7 months old and we already hate it !! Now we wait for the contract to expire or for an accident to happen.. and we dont have to wait long with the cell phone mafia living with us !!