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Entries in presents (3)


Daddy world

The second week of June is the most anticipated week for me. 

It involves three things..

1. Kids graduation from school.. or like we used to say when we were kids "last day of school"!

2. Father's day

3. Our wedding anniversary

We did the last day of school on Wednesday and it was special this year because Jr. finished Elementary school and moves to middle school next year.

This also marks a huge gap when the two girls will be in the same school. In the US we have 6th to 8th grade as Middle school and 9th to 12th grade as high school. In three years when the little one goes to middle school, Jr. will already be moving out of that school to high school. 

The last year of school for Jr. will be the next time they are both in same school and that is 6 years away. So we are back to two pickups, two drop offs and different school timings etc. Our hope is that Jr. becomes more responsible and starts walking or biking to middle school! 

Now.. Father's day is always nice. My kids give me the extra huggies and kissies and this year I already have my gifts. The school has a limit to creativity (and budget) for the father's day gifts. So guess what the little one gave me?

Same Frog! well, it does not seem to have any storage value given the small mouth but the little one tells me it is a paperclip holder.. Well, now my office will have two frog paperclip holders! Funny thing is I wont know who made what because they both have the same initials and they both were in Room 12 for 2nd Grade! 

(Note for posterity : one on left is Little One, right is Jr's)

They also make me nice cards which really make my day! This year they put a lot of effort into it and was really happy to read /see what they gave me..

I did not get the boat and the caption first..

till she told me that I had to flip the flags over to see which my "Jobs" were!

As you can clearly see, my jobs are all non critical functions which involve the fishes and plants. In other words, I am a "Uppukku chappani" or the twelveth man in a cricket team. Nevertheless, yours truly is happy to play any role as part of the crew! 

The letter was clear but "What in Perumal's name is a woodly?" I asked and the reply was :

Daddy, I really wanted to say "you are cuddly like my cuddle bear, but what can I do?! There is no C in AWESOME! so I changed the W to say Woodly instead of Cuddly!" .  While the concept is baffling to me, the way she said it in all seriousness with her hands waving wildly will stay in my mind forever. 

Next was Jr's turn and she gave me this nice heart and card to put in my office! 

She painstakingly created the logos for the Yoga studio, my work etc and put them there. The cartoon of me on a yoga mat with a small water bottle cracked me up! 

They have both promised to behave their best tomorrow to celebrate Father's day.. will hold them to it, given yesterday evening and most of today was a blur with yet another migraine. Feeling good now after all that sleep. Daddy day promises to be interesting!

As for the third thing that makes our week, we have our Aussie relatives visiting us and it has been a blast! So we celebrate with a larger family this year!

Here is a video of me dancing with the little one and her cousin at a local restaurant.. 

It is just great to see the kids happy! 

We have now crossed two 7 year itches and still "itching for each other".. so that must be a good thing! There are no secret presents planned for San this year.  When the whole NSA Prism scandal came out, I realized that San knows every little move I make.. she has all the passwords for the credit cards, amazon, ATT sites etc. and I have none. No wonder I can never surprise her with anything!  

Maybe I will handcraft her a card that says "You are my NSA and I still love you!"

Happy Father's day to all the dads out there!


Christmas 2011

We went through what has definitely a family tradition..

A sleepover at the cousins place and the kids opening gifts from under the tree after breakfast.

The hungry lions in front of their prey knowing that in a matter of seconds they get to jump on it!

The carnage of wrapping paper after the cubs are done unwrapping the stuff..

What happened in between..

and this year (as most years) one of the dads gets two of the same gift. When your life is an open book, guess everyone knows what to get you for Christmas?!

The little one wrote stories for the parents. One was Snow White written in her own words with Daddy substituted for a bad guy!

and the other was a cute frog family story.

We hope all of you had a very merry Christmas and are enjoying the holiday season.

We are slowly checking things off our to do list...

For starters we knocked off
- last minute gift buying for the kids and
- watched Mission Impossible 4 on Christmas Eve!

The theaters were relatively empty and the movie was a blast!

We had a good time with the kids showing their happy smiling faces throughout the day!

Our local adventures and checking off lists goes on over the next few days. Just shudder at the thought that our next break will have to wait till Memorial day! That thought can take a backseat for now as we try to live in the present..



Happy Holidays

The kids have been insisting that our house have a Christmas tree. Considering that we don't have a doll display at home for the Navarathri Golu, told the kids that the tree is very similar to a golu and our ancestors who have banned us from doll displays will be equally angry for the tree display.

For now the kids have bought into that logic much like the rules of Quidditch..

Our cousins have a tree in their house (they also do Golu) and that means we celebrate with them every year.

We spent a quiet Christmas with the cousins and had the kids open gifts, watched a bunch of movies and all was quiet on the home front.

Took a few portraits of everyone at home (here are some samples) and the weekend is almost coming to a close.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season and are looking for a better and brighter 2011 !
