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« Happy New Year 2011 | Main | A long break.. »

Happy Holidays

The kids have been insisting that our house have a Christmas tree. Considering that we don't have a doll display at home for the Navarathri Golu, told the kids that the tree is very similar to a golu and our ancestors who have banned us from doll displays will be equally angry for the tree display.

For now the kids have bought into that logic much like the rules of Quidditch..

Our cousins have a tree in their house (they also do Golu) and that means we celebrate with them every year.

We spent a quiet Christmas with the cousins and had the kids open gifts, watched a bunch of movies and all was quiet on the home front.

Took a few portraits of everyone at home (here are some samples) and the weekend is almost coming to a close.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season and are looking for a better and brighter 2011 !


Reader Comments (2)

Nice portraits! A very happy new year to your family too!

December 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPoetry

Sad that you can't have golus:(
Lovely portraits of the girls.
Happy New Year, Sundar and family. God bless.

January 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdipali

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