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Entries in photos (2)


Sometimes a picture is worth nothing

Two days ago, while coming home, it was around 6:30 PM and the sun had set already.

The moon was rising and there was this really bright planet very close to the moon.

The sky was so clear near the moon and the bottom part of the moon almost appeared to be bouncing light back and forth between the sun and the planet!

My first guess was it was probably Jupiter (which usually shows up nice , bright and white), but thanks to this site (and a google search for "planet near moon february" ), we now know it was Venus!

It was really an amazing site to see this.

Tried to capture it without a tripod (knowing it won't get a good shot) and this was the result..

Hope you got to see it live!

That leads us to a travelog post. We just visited the Chabot Space and Science Center. It was fun..



The time space continuum...

The old yahoo photos was long forgotten with Jr.'s first photos safely tucked away somewhere!

Then came the deal to move them all to Flikr.

Realizing that there is now unlimited space for storage, I promptly moved them all. I could have moved them to shutterfly, not that it mattered.

Now came the reminder email. The storage was for a three months only! Now I have to pay 25 bucks to upgrade to Flikr premium. I still have the photos there. Just wont be able to see anything other than the last 200 photos.

What is the point in having unlimited space for a limited time?

They got me on that one, fair and square!!

Now I find that most of my blogger buddies who are Flikr addicts have been paying the premium anyways and they tell me it is worth it.

I may get it for free because we use Yahoo DSL, but have to wait and see..

Now that we are on the topic of paying for storing photos, is Flikr the best? Is there something out there that is better for the same or lower price, or even a few dollars more?

I am getting general feedback that the google photos is not that great (I do like Picassa though), people tell me that smugmug(?) is good, etc..

Let me know!

ps. I am not saying Flikr tricked me or anything. Actually they were emailing me on my yahoo account to notify me that the photos are moved. The first mail in my Flikr inbox does mention this 200 photo/ 3 month thing.. I just opened that email last week. Who knew there was a Flikr email inbox ???
